Leadership is one of the most important positions in any organisations. A leader is the one who can lead the entire team all together to achieve a common aim and goal. In modern days, it is different that the leadership is the separate course to pursue in university and it is on the agenda in its huge way. Meanwhile, leadership is the foremost criteria for any organisations. The process of relationship between the leader and other employees and their influence towards the achievements is leadership. The leaders have their own capability to direct the employees towards the goals within the time bound.

The leadership includes various dimensions, planning, organising, controlling, monitoring and directing. The purpose of leaders is to induce the individuals or a group to work on an action towards achieving objectives using appropriate means. Leadership can also be informal when it is used by employees who do not have effective leadership skills to show the performance of the work. Let us go in depth that how leadership works in an organisation.
Having said, leadership plays a significant role in the achievement of any organisation. When there is no good leadership, no organisation can perform, where the firms and industries are established for the purpose of achieving the aim of an effective manpower. From this theory, it is shown that the employees utilising 65% of their own skills to the work and 35% of of the leaders utilising their leadership ability to accomplish their work which is the major key to the success in any business enterprises putting no additional effort.
A leader follows the set of rules in which the organisation succeed. It includes three set of the process that the leader work on with,
- Setting a clear vision
- Motivating employees
- Building morale
Setting a clear vision:
Setting a clear vision, which means the employees will be influenced by the set of rules are to be followed to understand and accept the development of an organisation’s goal. An effective leader will guide the employees to perform their work by making them to understand the significance of their position and how apt they are performed such activities.

Motivating employees:
Motivation is one of the most common and important concept that works in many organisations. Only if the employee put more effort, the organisation can achieve it development. The organisation cannot be succeeded only the managers and leaders. When identify the enough requirements and wants of the employees, providing right praise and incentive factors for the work well done, there the organisation succeed. A good leader knows to communication with the employees to understand their needs and wants. Meantime, the leader will discuss the tasks with employees in depth to show how capable they are to perform such activities, and it makes the employees to feel worth—able for the effort.

Building Morale:
When the leaders pull every employee together to act towards the common objectives, it helps in building the morale. Likewise, when an employee’s put under the huge – stress circumstances, it may lead to lose their concentration on the work or the employees may work with no interest. An effective leader places the employees to perform the work how much ever the job can be done and it is appreciated by the leaders.
The role of the leadership involves monitoring, planning, organising and directing the employees to do the task. Formally, the jobs are assigned by the leaders to the employees, sometimes informally, it can also assumed by the employees to someone depends on their capability to perform the job.