Master the Art of Writing a Research Report

Writing a research report can be very difficult, especially when students do not get enough time, or miss their deadlines, or do not like the subject at all. Moreover, working on research reports is not everyone’s cup of tea, and many students would yawn and feel uncomfortable when they get such tasks to do. Not many students are blessed with excellent writing skills, which is why many of them fail their research reports and are unable to clear the credits. One of the hardest parts of writing a research report is the absence of any knowledge about its subsections or format that has to be used. Students are often confused with the compositions of the research report and have no clue where to start from or what to write even when they understand the topic quite well.

If you experience any of these above-stated problems, you have landed to the right page. In this section, we will guide you with some basic format that can be used in any research report of any subject. Although students are always free to be creative and include more ideas, this is just a basic framework in case you are stuck up with research paper writing format. This format can help you to master the art of writing a research report and fetch high scores for yourself.

Cover Page/Title

A research report should generally consist of a cover page that includes the title of the research, name of the student, name of the professor and subject name. It is essential to add this page, as it provides a robust framework to your research, and the professor can think that you are serious about your work.


The aim of the abstract is to give a gist of the research report by including the research topic, the scope of the study, primary findings and conclusion. The length of your abstract can be around 100 to 300 words.


This should be your next step to write a successful research report as it lays the foundation of your write up. An introduction should include a clear statement of the research, the aim of the study, research question and brief background about the problem. Initiation is essential so do your research well to be able to suffice it.

Theoretic Analysis

Theoretical Analysis is the main component of your research that includes procedures, methodologies used, techniques and various other experimental details. This should comprise the maximum word limit of your study.


After providing the theoretical Analysis, results and findings are shown in this section wherein you can summarize the observations and use charts or figures.


In this section, you can interpret your results and give a brief discussion about your objectives and findings, or any other data that you think is important to your research.

Conclusion/ Summary

This is the last section of your research that can include a concluding statement or summary about the research.


You should always cite works that have been used to generate the research report as it is not your work. Referencing gives credibility to your work and avoids plagiarism.